They are not regarded just as males who want to dress as females (for fun or to deceive), but something that are innate or in-born in them. If it is in-born, that means they are created this way.…
(MMO) - Why should we worship a particular god when we can easily believe in other things? After all, no proof is required to make one god more authentic than the other.
I am writing…
(TMI) - The essay was about a monkey who had to climb a banana tree to get himself a banana. It had four paragraphs, each paragraph had two sentences and each sentence had around five words.
It’s a useful illustration of the circular strategy of the military – perpetuate instability, draw on it to justify dominance, and then refer back to it when that power is challenged.
Salleh Said Keruak
There are some in Umno and many in the opposition who feel that the BR1M program is immoral and smacks of bribery and should be ended. If so then what good are election…
When Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin takes his place on the Umno stage next week, it is with the knowledge that he has not disappointed those who gave him such a sweeping victory last year.…
(AFP) - A number of Muslims in Europe are publicly abandoning their religion to become Christians or agnostics despite their former community’s taboo against such acts.
In France, the film “The…
Said a veteran Umno watcher, Muhyiddin’s “departure” is no secret in Umno and “in fact many party members feel this Umno general assembly (November 25-29) will be his last as deputy president”.…
To gauge the success of a system, you have to look at the individuals it produces.
Scott Ng, FMT
What is the measure of an education? Does it determine the character, the spirit of the child…
According to Elsevier sources, this (secret) agreement has one condition that ensures all parties within the JIT group (including Ukraine) have the right to secrecy. In other words: if any of the…
So can you see how potent a fitnah can be? Once the fitnah sticks, nothing you do can erase that fitnah. It will stick to you forever. And that is why Islam regards fitnah as a very serious crime…
Salleh Said Keruak
Political parties are all the same. In the run-up to each general election, they will reveal their most impressive election manifesto and make all sorts of promises to the…
Cecilia Jeyanthi Victor, The Ant Daily
There seems to be no end in sight to the Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex) controversy despite Menteri Besar Azmin Ali’s pledge to look into the matter…
Jimmy Adit, The Ant Daily
Sarawak DAP must not wait until next June to ditch PAS.
It is not only six to seven months too long, but PAS will still be the PAS it is today, no matter who gets to…
Has no one pointed out to these women that they owe a lot of what they have now to feminism?
Erna Mahyuni, MMO
You know our public universities have gone to the dogs when they start…
The Chinese education group, Dong Zong, was once so powerful that it could bring down Chinese politicians and political parties but a string of controversies the last few months has made it the…
Putrajaya’s heavy handed behaviour only raises questions about why SAPA is so ostensibly dangerous. Barisan Nasional minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing had also called for a review of the Malaysia…
The Federal Lands Commission (FLC) signed an agreement where it would lease PFI 186 plots of land all over Malaysia. FLC would then sub-lease this land from PFI by paying rental for land which the…
It seems that whenever we question anything, either the government or those linked to it does, it is seen as a bad thing. And this comes during a period of a prime minister whose initial speech…
The Unspoken Truth
The ease of Internet access empowers news portals with the opportunity to present what they feel are important issues for their audience. Hence, while politically conscious…
Melissa Crouch, New Mandala
The West has been wondering what has gone wrong with Buddhism in Myanmar since 2012 and the violence primarily by Buddhists against Muslims. Yet I want to suggest…
Just how big are these groups, anyway? They claim hundreds of thousands of members. Is this true or are they just blowing hot air out of their ample orifices?
Azmi Sharom, The Rakyat Times…
The Malay is an enigma. He claims to know Islam, but when his brethren is threatened, he refuses to speak out. He fears the mob will hound him, even though neither he nor the person he would like…
If you want illiterate people to tell you what their “mother tongue” is, how do you phrase the question? Some say the best way to put it is “what language did you suck?”
Rama Ramanathan
It now exists in name only, not in spirit, vision and ideals
T K Chua, Free Malaysia Today
I find some of the recent developments within Pakatan Rakyat (PR) very odd and weird. First, there…
Zubaidah Abu Bakar, The Rakyat Post
PERSATUAN Ummah Sejahtera (PasMa), the pro-Pakatan Rakyat non-governmental organisation, is here to stay.
And PAS, whose more moderate thinking members…
Daily Express
THE present and future crop of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) leaders must stand up for what they believe in, speak up for the masses and be accounted for, according to party…
Najib would fare better with Anwar as a free man. And Najib, of all people, knows this. Most importantly, so does Zainuddin Maidin, which brings us to the question; why did Zainuddin blackmail…
Apakah Melayu terancam sebab orang Cina? Macam mana pula orang Cina boleh mengancam Melayu?
Fariq Islam
Selaku anak Melayu, kenyataan "Melayu Terancam" seringnya menarik perhatian…
Among those who study the subject, who use and accept modern scientific techniques and logic, this scientific fact is as valid and true as the fact that the earth is round and revolves around the…