Questions surrounding the MB bashing

Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser “Who wants to be a Menteri Besar?” “I do…” says Khalid Ibrahim. His comrades in PKR think otherwise. DAP is not too hot on him either. Nor is PAS, although…

Unnecessary ill will

What's in a name? Well, in Malaysia, it is a big issue and, as events have shown, there are no winners even if the matter has been decided by the apex court. Wong Chun Wai, The Star LET me,…

Blackout and black ops in Selangor

Anak Selangor Who is the bad guy in Selangor? Is Selangor being manipulated by person or persons born outside Selangor? This is happening in the PKR party elections, especially in Selangor…

Taking the chair, not warming the seat

Many, many things can and need to be done. Sophisticated and simple things. Things that touch the lives of Aseans. Only then will they see its meaning. Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid, The Star IT…

When ignorance is bliss

As the Jesuits say, all you need is seven years and by that seventh year the child would be capable of believing anything, however ridiculous, impossible, illogical or improbable those beliefs may…

Religious freedom and Malay Muslims

(CPI) - During the past few months, partly arising from the widespread public reaction to the hudud issue, a debate has taken place on the side in relation to the subject matter of apostasy among…

A dangerous turn of events

The fact that there hasn’t been any denial from the Prime Minister’s Office seems to suggest that he did say those things. There are so many examples he could have given, instead he cited the…

A leap into antiquity

The Federal Court has missed an opportunity to clarify and correct some disturbing rulings.  Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star OLIVER Wendell Holmes Jr., the famous American judge and jurist,…

Brave Malays

Zaid Ibrahim The Prime Minister has once again made a clarion call for the Malays to be brave, and the kind of bravery he wants them to emulate is that of the soldiers of the Islamic State of…

Are Malays sincere and honest?

Love me or hate me, never mind. At least what you see is what you get. I don’t openly say I feel sorry for the Christians but privately say the Christians can go fuck themselves for all I care,…

Religion is religion

Sin Chew Daily Following the Federal Court's ruling to reject a challenge to the ban on Catholic weekly The Herald using the word "Allah" to refer to the Christian God, the Catholic Church's…

Why is Malaysia so Polarised today?

Whatever PR does is RIGHT. Even if it is wrong, it is ok for their wrong is not as unforgivable as BN's mistakes. Citizen Times In the good old days, citizens only had The Straits Echo, New…