Tread with caution

History is replete with examples of the dangers of giving religious authorities too much power over society. Martin Vengadesan, The Star I HAVE just been reading an article in the Jakarta…

So you like to beat down hudud

I want to tell what those committed to oppose hudud legislation in Malaysia, how to go about it.  Praba Ganesan, Malay Mail Online Let’s get down to it. Single issue advocacy is not new, but…

A discourse on R.I.P.

Any attempt to further pursue each other's claim invariably results in more animosity. Dzulkefly Ahmad, THIS article is a tribute to a man who fought for justice unflinchingly. He…

More on PAS’ hudud

KTemoc Konsiders Below are collected statements on PAS' intention to implement hudud. Please note: bolding and underlining below are by kaytee, not the authors or the reporting news media.…


Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. Helen Ang, in an open letter criticised me for welcoming MCA’s decision to rejoin the BN cabinet. She pointed out that the MCA won only 7 seats while DAP won 39 seats.…

How to fight Hudud

But how do you tell orthodox or fundamentalist Muslims to stop talking in the language of God and instead talk in the language of the law, the constitution, civil liberties, human rights, etc? I…

Hudud: Sold Out

Mahsa Amiri, The Malaysian Insider The discussion on Friday, May 2, on hudud in Malaysia at the Chinese Assembly Hall remained in the past of the last week but the waves of excitement are still…

Hudud – why now?

Why does Umno now appear more receptive to Pas’ attempt to push through private members’ bills on the hudud? Francis Lohdiscusses the backdrop. Francis Loh, ALIRAN The Kelantan state…

Hudud and the 1946 hangover

Wong Chin Huat, The Malaysian Insider To the disappointment of many, the hudud issue dominates Malaysian politics a year after the 13th General Election (GE13), threatening to break up the…

Star editor ‘pushed upstairs’

The reshuffle of editors takes place with Vincent Lee’s departure and the elevation of chief editor Wong Chun Wai to the top corporate job of chief executive, also in November. uppercaise…

Hudud in a non-Islamic state

Syahredzan Johan, The Star MUCH has been written about hudud. Many have pointed out that to implement hudud, or at least hudud as proposed by PAS to be carried out in Kelantan on Muslims, would…

Why the Bible can use Allah

So, my conclusion is, Christians (plus Jews) can use Allah as the name of God (in fact, MUST use Allah as the name of God) and hence there is no reason why the Bible cannot also use Allah as the…