Azly Rahman
I have a friendly educational suggestion for Islamic-coalition organisations such as Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) and the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) that…
Will doing away with stating a person’s race on official forms really help enhance national unity? Or is it merely a temporary measure of sweeping the real issues at hand under the rug? A…
Women should be reminded that as face-masking is not found in Islam’s transcendent text, it is therefore a non-Koranic and un-Islamic habit, not a fundamental feature of their religion. Islam is…
Anwar is not really interested in the job of Menteri Besar of Selangor. He just wants that job to facilitate a deal with Umno and ‘give’ Selangor back to Barisan Nasional through a ‘unity…
In one brilliant stroke, the PM strengthens his position, destroys the Pakatan Rakyat and rids himself of his critics. Anwar gets to enjoy the privileges and protection as a member of the…
Kee Thuan Chye
The MCA has traded whatever dignity it has left for nothing but a trifle.
In an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) held last October, its delegates voted against revoking a…
Whenever someone has a different opinion to yours, he or she is an infidel. And then you scream ABU and say we must remove Umno because Umno does not allow us freedom of opinion and freedom of…
(MMO) - History is used (or abused) to provide justifications for the creation and maintenance of policies that treat people according to pre-set racial categories: for in this conception ethnic…
Salleh Said Keruak
In the fourth quarter of 2013, Malaysia’s economy accelerated to an annual GDP growth rate of 5.1%, the fastest pace in the last four quarters, supported by private sector…
Azmin’s people say that Azmin has set aside a war chest of RM30 million to defend his post against Khalid or Nurul, whichever the case may be. Khalid can easily match Azmin’s RM30 million…
Zaid Ibrahim
Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Profesor Redzuan Othman dari UMCEDEL dalam The Malaysian Insider beberapa hari lalu yang berkata saya pernah menjilat Anwar, sedangkan dia tidak.…
It is the government that seized more than 20,000 Bibles in 2009. It is the government that banned the use of the word "Allah" in the Catholic weekly The Herald. It is the government’s Police…
But over here, some people’s idea of unity is for half the country to come together and the other half to dumbly sit back and wait for scraps.
Marina Mahathir, The Star
In this journey of…
Of course, Article 153 in the Federal Constitution would also need to be removed, as would the NEP, the quota system, preferential treatment for the Malays and Bumiputeras of East Malaysia, and so…
There are many other Chinese towkays who are behind Anwar and PKR, not just Robert Kuok Hock Nien -- plus what’s his name, that Phileo chap? These people have given Anwar and PKR millions. Robert…
Narinder Singh, FMT
Will Anwar be doing the bharatanatyam next to woo gullible Indians in the country and Kajang, and perhaps unseat the pole position of another ‘Ibrahim’ – Ramli, the Malay…
Salleh Said Keruak
Deputy Umno Chief Sabah
Tun Daim Zainuddin’s interview as reported by Malaysiakini and The Malaysian Insider makes interesting reading (SEE LINKS BELOW). I would like to…
Salleh Said Keruak
Deputy Umno Chief Sabah
The brouhaha regarding the so-called fraud in the May 2013 general election still rings in our ears. Barisan Nasional is not the legitimate…
My solution to counter this disparity is quite simple in theory but will surely require the support of the entire community. It does not matter who is in power now or who aspires to be…
People cannot change their skin colour or national origin or ethnicity (characteristics known as ‘immutable’ by the US courts), but is possible to change their religious beliefs. This…
They lie, they cheat, they dominate, they discriminate, they persecute, they are intolerant, they are superstitious, they are self-centred, they are self-righteous, they look down on those not of…
"They disregard the views and opinions of others. That is how they have come to this conclusion. In other words, they are not honest. God is all-knowing. I do not fear them. They (Jakim) are small…
Empire Strikes Back
Asalkan Bukan Umno, gerakan rakyat untuk membebaskan Malaysia daripada cengkaman Umno. Bunyinya seperti satu perjuangan yang sangat murni, tetapi persoalannya, adakah…
Timmy Say, The Malaysian Insider
Kempen ‘Asalkan Bukan Umno’ atau ABU, yang bertujuan mengajak rakyat menolak Umno dengan mengundi apa sahaja selain daripada Umno, membawa penyakit kebutaan…
( - That gives the impression the MCA is agreeable to an Umno man leading the way. Perhaps in the name of BN unity. Still to detractors that is yet another sign of the MCA “kow towing“ to…
Inexplicably, these dutiful diggers at the MACC have come to the conclusion that, because Taib took care not to put his own signature on the documents and set up a system whereby his juniors could…
(AIDC) - Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim tidak pernah mengkritik Robert Kuok, lelaki paling kaya di Malaysia sepertimana yang dilaporkan Malaysian Business, memiliki kekayaan RM54.48…
Azly Rahman
Malaysia’s monopoly corporate crony capitalism, framed and flourishing ethnocentrically and laced with economic fascism continue to take root, fashioned after the ethos and…
Empire Strikes Back
Bagaimana DAP boleh terus berlakon sebagai mangsa bila mereka sendiri yang memilih untuk tidak mematuhi prosedur yang sepatutnya? Atau DAP hanya cuba untuk menyembunyikan…
I urge all parties to think very carefully about jumping the gun on solutions which lead to a win-lose situation. Think about the dire consequences and people’s reaction; either way, I am…