Our democratic roots

Tunku Abidin Muhriz, The Malay Mail Tunku 'Abidin Muhriz is founding president of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas). While there are well-publicised groups that…

Getting in through the back door

And in the event that Anwar does not agree to allow Khalid Ibrahim to complete his term, or agree to someone from PAS taking over as Menteri Besar, then it is within the constitutional powers of…

No can do

The ‘isu kafir-mengkafir’ (as it was called then) started back in the late 1970s when Anwar was heading ABIM and heightened in the 1980s soon after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad took over as Prime…

Anwar juga mudah lupa?

Harus diingat bahawa Anwar adalah antara minda di belakang BTN Lisa Adam, FMT Maka kaum itu pun bergelak tawa bersama Anwar Ibrahim tanpa sedar mereka hanyalah alat bagi merealisasikan…

RM40 juta, Liga Malaysia atau EPL?

Empire Strikes Back RM40 juta dalam masa 6 tahun. Patutlah PKR bersungguh-sungguh mahu mempertahankan Selangor. Ibu duit rupanya. Hebat sangatkah PKNS FC sehingga kos pengurusannya mencecah…

The Saga of the Big Slap

By Kee Thuan Chye, Yahoo News It all started with a slap threat. A Muslim group took exception to a satirical video produced by an Opposition MP who also appeared as a talk show host…

RM40 million spent on football

Khalid also said his administration was informed that the MACC is currently investigating allegations that funds meant for the PKNS football club (FC) was misused. Three state executive council…

The two sides of Taib Mahmud

Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily I've noticed that after Taib Mahmud announced his decision to step down, his political reputation has received a drastic boost at a rate much faster than the CI on…

How Lee was spared RM5 million

Okay, the question is not how much Lee was spared (RM5 million in penalty) when he resigned. We know it is RM5 million. The question is how much was he ‘compensated’ for resigning? That is the…

The Kajang kerfuffle

Some of the things, as explained by the party’s chief strategist Rafizi Ramli, need a real stretch of the imagination — like the excuse that the by-election was needed to prevent a Barisan…

Only Malays are racists

The Chinese and Indians are not racists. The Chinese and Indians are just fighting for their rights and interests. Sure, and if the Malays also fight for their rights and interests, the Malays are…

Dear Anwar Ibrahim…

You have done a lot politically but little or nothing productively, the writer tells Anwar in an open letter By Medecci Lineil, FMT Let me declare something here. First of all. I am very…

The pot is as black as the kettle?

Kapil Sethi, The Malay Mail Online When PKR, the political party leading the charge against the politics of division of Barisan Nasional is of the opinion that their incumbent Selangor Mentri…

Rafizi, Pakar Strategi Konon!

Empire Strikes Back Adakah Rafizi Ramli sudah mendekati zaman kejatuhannya? Dari satu kesilapan kepada satu kesilapan yang lain, pakar strategi PKR ini gagal untuk meyakinkan umum bahawa apa…

Putuskah sudah kasih Azmin?

Azmin Ali Blog AZMIN Ali adalah ahli politik PKR. Itu semua orang tahu. ‘Putus Sudah Kasih Sayang’ adalah sebuah filem arahan dan lakonan Tan Sri P Ramlee. Itu pun semua orang tahu. Tapi…

Ada apa dengan Bahasa Inggeris

Affendy Hasnim, The Malay Mail Isu sistem pendidikan di Malaysia adalah antara isu hangat yang sering dibincangkan oleh masyarakat Malaysia. Ini adalah isu “wajib bincang” baik pada peringkat…

Tell us the truth on Kajang Move

PKR is saying that Malaysians are not clever enough to understand these reasons so they will not be telling us these real reasons By Salleh Said Keruak The move to vacate the Kajang state…

Skip the political publicity please

Targeting the video to a Chinese audience and timed for the Chinese New Year period was strategically unwise Loon Yew Yin, FMT When Teresa Kok’s video clip for the Chinese New Year first…

Wawasan 2020: A Vision Impossible?

Written by Muhammed Ashraf Abd Wahab, Malaysian Digest YEARS pass by and without us realising it we are shy of six years before year 2020 arrives. But what is so significant about this year you…