Spineless Politicians

Visnu Natesan The current unity talks between PKR and UMNO as described by Raja Petra Kamarudin in his blog titled ‘Is a marriage over the horizon’ marks the leadership credibility of both…

‘Why Anwar should not be the MB’

If Anwar Ibrahim becomes the menteri besar it will be a major misstep, says analysts Anisah Shukry, FMT Anwar Ibrahim’s announcement that he will be contesting the Kajang state seat has left…

Politicians and their end game

In every nation there are people who do bad things to each other – even if they are of the same race and of the same religion. CT Ali, FMT If you tell me that there are Chinese in Malaysia…

Is a marriage over the horizon?

But would this mean the death of the ABU Movement? And what is Dr Mahathir going to do to Najib if this engagement and eventual marriage does happen? Or is Najib going to tell the Old Man to go…

My response to Anwar Ibrahim

Salleh Said Keruak Deputy Chief Umno Sabah There are various statements made by Anwar Ibrahim yesterday that require clarification because, as usual, Anwar is not presenting the full facts…

Lim Guan Eng memang diktator

Empire Strikes Back Jika menginginkan kuasa mutlak dan sanggup melakukan apa saja bagi memastikan setiap kemahuan dan kehendaknya ‘ditaati’ dan ‘dituruti’ oleh setiap ahli parti, pemimpin jenis…

Hindraf is at the mercy of Umno

By Joginder Ranni, FMT On April 18, 2013, Najib Tun Razak apologised to the Indian community and a historic MOU was signed in front of 1,000 Hindraf supporters in KL while millions of Malaysian…

With our head up our anus

Let me try to understand what Aziz Bari said. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has no power or authority to decide whether Christians can or cannot use Allah as the name for God in the Malay Bible.…

Little sign of the new politics

The promise of new politics after the 2008 polls has not materialised. It is now more toxic with shades of race and religion made worse by politicians who play to the gallery. Joceline Tan, The…

Is this about the Selangor MB?

I was told that negotiations are ongoing even as you read this. Is this what Anwar is going to announce in his “Perutusan Khas Untuk Rakyat Malaysia” at 3.00pm tomorrow? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER…

Rumble in S’gor PKR

The power struggle among top two PKR leaders in Selangor is not about to die down with state assemblymen taking sides to show their loyalty Leven Woon, FMT Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid…

The doctrine of Jesus

“He is Light from Light, true God from true God, and begotten not made, of the same substance as the Father.” Jesus is literally the Son of God (as Paul said) and not allegorically the Son of God…

Pro-Umno bloggers rebel against PM

Anisah Shukry, FMT Calls for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to step down are gaining momentum in the pro-Umno blogosphere, signaling a concerted effort within the own party’s fold to remove the…

Too much politicking…

Selena Tay, FMT The recent religious issues concerning the Catholic Herald weekly newspaper, the Bible and terminology is worked up by certain quarters to create rifts and difficulties between…

Taking liberties with the fundamentals

Malik Imtiaz Shawar CONSIDERING what is happening around us, it is hardly surprising that many are asking whether there is anyone in control of the country anymore. The controversies are…