The real hindrance to progress

And this is the real problem facing the Muslim world, Malaysia included. People think they know better and they tell us what we can and cannot do. They forbid us from doing what they think will…

The Najib-Anwar Weakly Show

Zaid Ibrahim It came as a surprise to many people that Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak and Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have been holding “secret negotiations” for a…

Cita-cita Lim Guan Eng…DAP Baru?

Empire Strikes Back Adakah kedegilan Lim Guan Eng menyelesaikan kemelut dengan RoS hanya gimik supaya DAP Baru boleh diwujudkan? Gambaran bahawa Lim Guan Eng mahu mewujudkan parti yang…

Press freedom essential to survive

In moving forward, Malaysia has to assent that freedom of press is no longer an option but a necessity. By Ali Cordoba, Free Malaysia Today A free press, the freedom of which is limited and…

When the ante is upped

Do you really want to put this theory to a test and try to prove it wrong? You have very little to gain if you manage to prove this theory wrong and so much to lose if the theory is proven right.…

Will Khalid survive another crisis?

The spotlight swung so completely to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim last week that it eclipsed developments in PKR indicating that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is planning to take over…

Noh and Umno’s perilous agenda

Burning an effigy of a reclusive priest and threatening unrest if 'Allah' is not 'returned' to the Muslims is not going to win Umno and its uncouth leaders any sympathy nor support Jeswan Kaur,…

Najib’s post-election challenges

Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The PM's kangkung statement has unleashed an endless string of negative feedback, and this shows Najib is in for a new round of tests after last May's general…

The Jesus you think you know

There is a misperception that prophets create religions. Jesus did not create Christianity; his followers created Christianity. Jesus was a Jew preaching Judaism. The prophet Mohammad did not…

Wag the dog

Oh, and before you start huffing and puffing and blow the house down, reflect on another ‘wag the dog’ that I always talk about. Do you remember that I always say ‘the tail wags the dog’ instead…

Now what have you got to say?

Last time never uttered even one squeak. Today talk so much. Now what have you got to say? Blame Umno’s education system that made you stupid? I suppose we can also do that. Then you do not need…

Words that annoy!

KTemoc Konsiders Currently there's one word that annoys me enormously. No, it's not 'looes74', wakakaka (actually I'm fond of him so you can call him my loverlooes, cium cium cium, wakakaka…

Keep politics in order

Lim Mun Fah, MM An official car and a string of kangkung could stir up roaring waves in our society. Politics has seeped deep into the very grains of our society. Where there is politics,…

When stupidity reigns supreme

Faridah Hameed, MM Just how much ridiculousness can a country tolerate before it becomes unhinged? Why does it feel like when the subject of faith is on the table, we speak in forked tongues…

Religious freedom: who has it worldwide?

(Guardian) - To measure religious restrictions around the world, the Pew Research Center has attempted to look at government policies and social hostilities. Their findings suggest that religious…

The blasphemous Malay Bible

The long and the short of it is there is only one God, Allah, and God has no children, no parents, and no partners. NO HOLDS BARRED  Raja Petra Kamarudin Today, someone speculated (in a…

DAP, apa salah RoS?

Empire Strikes Back Kecaman demi kecaman dilemparkan pada RoS, malah yang terbaru, RoS diugut akan berdepan dengan tindakan mahkamah sekiranya RoS masih tidak mahu mengikhtiraf Jawatankuasa…