Open letter to PM and Cabinet

Lim Kit Siang I am taking full advantage of the Age of Information Technology which enables the instant communication of information with information travelling at the speed of light to pen…

Latheefa Koya’s ‘Logic’

Anas Zubedy Earlier today YB Anwar Ibrahim and Dr. Chandra Muzaffar agreed on an out of Court settlement. Anwar sued Dr Chandra on the 6th of March 2008. It was alleged that Dr Chandra…

Did Adam and Eve really sin?

Hence Adam and Eve had not sinned. Adam and Eve did exactly what God wanted them to do for God’s plan to work. If not then Adam and Eve would have remained in Paradise and none of us will be here…

Yet again, from zero to hero

And that, in a nutshell, is how to get the Chinese to adore you. And because I do not play to the Chinese gallery but always say what I feel, I cannot win the adoration of the Chinese. NO HOLDS…

This is how Pakatan can win Johor

Johor finds itself at the frontlines of a political battle like never before, and to go the distance, Pakatan must rethink and strategise comprehensively, covering all angles. By Liew Chin…

Factionalism persists in MCA

Soi Lek's men say the new line-up of officials is skewed in favour of Liow's camp. Stanley Koh, Free Malaysia Today In the run-up to last month’s MCA election, some members actually…

DAP terus main wayang

Empire Strikes Back Mengulas mengenai satu artikel yang di tulis dalam Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 29 Disember 2013, penulisnya mempersoalkan mengenai kemelut DAP-ROS yang sehingga kini masih…

‘Nyah’ yourselves, SAMM

Capt. Dr Thiru JR, The Star An open letter to Solidariti Anak Mahasiswa Malaysia and Che’gu Bard. DEAR SAMM, I understand your frustration after losing in the last General Election. I…

Why Indonesia got it right

Zaid Ibrahim Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world, which probably led the late Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur)—the former Indonesian President and an enlightened Muslim…

A Malaysian Inquisition?

Melati Timur, New Mandala The latest PETRONAS festive advertisement predictably continues their expected mushiness. This time elderly men in an old folks’ home are adopted by an employee for a…

Perkasa poised for a new role

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali took a few hard knocks last year and his political career is almost over but his controversial NGO may become a full-fledged political party. Joceline Tan,…

CSMU issue should concern every NGO

Jeevithan P.Ganasan My heartiest gratitude goes out to Prof A.A Babanin( Chancellor of CSMU) who provides a chance in a lifetime to further studies, with a full scholarship, for one…

Dear Jane

Anyway, as usual, I am digressing. What I just wanted to tell you is that the coffee shop talk about me owning a BMW 7 series is correct. But it was not Dr Mahathir who bought me that car because…

Of mad mullahs and mangled muftis

Azly Rahman When will we ever see people respecting each other for what they believe in and to pray by whichever way they feel safe, at peace, and connected as what "religion" derived from the…

Let’s see some nation-first leadership

The year 2020 is now only six years away. What are the milestones to mull over? Only one federal election need to be called before that, and that is not before 2018. The wider context to note is…

The CM in S-Class

Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily I really admire the incumbent London mayor Boris Johnson as well as his predecessor Ken Livingstone. The former is a Conservative while the latter, a Labour Party…

The Disposable Hero Of Hypocrisy

Dear Sir, I am giving CM Lim Guan Eng an ultimatum to return the car to the vendor within seven business day. Failing which I will lodge a corruption report against him under section 16 of the…