And now to the next level

Umno is hoping and praying that Pakatan Rakyat Selangor will go into a Constitutional Crisis with the Sultan. Would Umno’s prayers be answered and its wishes be granted with the possible…

How racism works

Don’t always look down on the Malays. Don’t always assume that the Malays are hopeless. Don’t always assume that if the Malays want to drive a car instead of ride a bicycle, and if they want to do…

Moving away from the consociational model

Although a consociational democracy accepts a diminished form of parliamentary democracy for political and social stability, the extent to which Malaysia has deviated even from its initial state…

It’s called posturing

So do what you want to do quietly and nothing will happen. But once you openly challenge me to a fight then I will have no choice but to accept your challenge or else I will lose face. And losing…

Have some of us lost the plot?

by Marina Mahathir, The Star As we reflect on the past year, let’s resolve to be strong and wake up to reality in 2014. ALTHOUGH this is my first column for 2014, I’m actually writing this…

Window dressing

By Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Translated by Dominic Loh Finally, the sound-insulated Putrajaya begins to hear the outside voices, and has come up with unimpressive 11 austerity measures.…

MT Letter – Equal religious rights

Dear Sir, Article 11 of the federal constitution says every person has the right to profess and practice his own religion. Every person has the right to propagate his religion, but state law…

Islam was a process of evolution

Take note, though, that my views are not exactly what you would call the popular view and I base my assumptions on the recorded history of that period, specifically in that region. And note, also,…

2013: A year of promise that never was

What's in store for 2014? Maria J Dass examines 2013 and what the promises that we missed out on. 'Just Say It' by Maria J Dass AS 2013 dawned, there was much to look forward to. It was…

Reject the Stadium Solution

Ong Kar Jin Every single time an NGO wants to stage a protest, the immediate reaction is to first deny permission and then to suggest that the protest be held in a stadium.  This stadium knee…

Our moral duty to our descendants

We have a moral duty to our descendants. And it is immoral to spend their money indiscriminately just so that we can have a better life while we care a damn about what Malaysians of 2100 are going…

Spin and spin, yet again

And now Malaysiakini seeks Norian Mai’s opinion regarding the right of Malaysians to hold peaceful demonstrations? So what next is Malaysiakini going to do? Seek Chua Soi Lek’s opinion regarding…

Unit Maklumat Palsu PKR

Empire Strikes Back Bagi melaksanakan perang saraf secara terancang, PKR telah menubuhkan satu unit khas di bawah Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli. Rafizi memang dikenali sebagai ‘pakar…

Claiming the moral high ground

We must return to the time of how we did things back in 1998. Back in those days even the foreign media picked up what we said and quoted us in their news reports on Malaysia. Today, the foreign…

PKR’s misinformation unit

Empire Strikes Back PKR has set up a very elaborate psy-war unit under ‘strategist’ Rafizi Ramli that specialises in the politics of misinformation and disinformation. This unit was actually…

‘Ops Cantas’ dalam DAP

Empire Strikes Back Sikap gila kuasa DAP tidak terhad kepada parti itu sahaja malah di dalam Pakatan Rakyat sendiri. Tindakan ‘potong jalan’ di kawasan-kawasan yang dilihat sebagai ‘favorite’…

Create the right mindset for 2014

The faster we change our thought process from individualism and start focusing on nationalism, the better we will progress as a nation Julian Leicester, FMT It’s in the air. It’s just hours…

Umno’s caveman politics

Sakmongkol AK47, The Malaysian Insider The donkeys in Umno are coming out braying. Here and there, they were elected as leaders. The most fundamental building block of excellence - demanding…