Is MCA back in business?

In short, DAP’s problem is because of its internal party problem (just like what happened to Umno, which resulted in the party being deregistered). But will the Chinese blame the RoS or blame DAP…

PETRONAS’ Venture in Canada

Mat Rodi YB Rafizi Ramli- arguably Malaysia’s whistle-blower icon has recently come up with a fantastic analysis on the recent venture by his former employer- Petronas in Canadian shale gas…

Price Of Rice Cheaper In Singapore?

OutSyed The Box Latest I heard there are rumours that the Prime Minister will be "asked" to retire by March of 2014. (Err I usually hang out with pro BN, pro UMNO types ok. This is our side…

Rosmah, Najib’s backbone

Is it wrong to be the pillar of your husband? Narinder Singh, FMT ‘I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers.’ Mahatma Gandhi On that lines, why…

Can the government ban Facebook?

by Bernice Low, The Nut Graph PERIODICALLY, the spectre of Internet censorship is raised under the benign guise of “regulating” the Internet. In 2009, leaked documents revealed the…

Who are “the poor” in Malaysia?

Rest Stop Thoughts We live in an age which excels in broadcasting slogans and catchy phrases. Often we, the hearers, unconsciously ‘choose’ the meaning. A good example is “People first.” What…

A party within a party

In the pre-Suhaimi days, Umno Youth was a party within a party, a sort of pressure group to keep the ‘mother-ship’ in line and true to the party’s struggle. Umno proper used to be very scared of…

The 10 myths of Christmas

What we’ve been fed, turkey and all, about this celebration gets dumped down the chimney. Wong Chun Wai, The Star HERE are 10 myths about Christmas and of Malaysians going on holiday this…

When you cry wolf once too often

I am sorry that I cannot buy all this talk about calling for a special session of Parliament to discuss problems that were already discussed 30 years ago and which were not addressed when we said…

Nga Kor Ming : Investigate Anwar

OutSyed The Box MyMassa has made a scoop. They have highlighted that the bulk of the toll roads in the country were approved when Anwar Ibrahim was Finance Minister and/or Deputy Prime Minister…

You can’t fight City Hall

I fear that DAP is soon going to learn what ‘you can’t fight City Hall’ means. DAP can rant and rave and allege that it is being persecuted and is being subjected to unfair treatment.…

Give the Malays casino licences

Zaid Ibrahim The Genting Group is investing heavily again in its homeland Malaysia. The corporation announced a RM7 billion expansion plan that will include theme parks, 6-star resorts and…

The Kingdom of God is hell on earth

Dream on! First learn how to guard your mouth before we talk about a non-racial Malaysia. Your mouth is your worst enemy that is keeping racism in Malaysia alive. Hell, you cannot even marry…

Leaders in the Muslim world

Rushdi Siddiqui, The Malaysian Insider “To lead people, walk beside them ... As for the best leaders, the people do not notice their existence. The next best, the people honor and praise. The…

Why even impose toll?

I think this can be easily resolved. The state has large cash reserves, according to what they tell us. So, if the three companies still want to increase the toll, then the state can offer to…

So what’s the real issue then?

Alternatively, Pakatan Rakyat can propose that we amend the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and remove Islam as the religion of the Federation. To be very honest I have no problems with that. But…

When silence is inelegant

Our People-First PM must speak up on the various issues affecting the welfare of citizens Selena Tay, Free Malaysia Today When citizens are writhing under the weight of high prices and…