Mahathir is just plain toxic

So, fasten your seat belts and get ready for the most exciting and expensive ride in Malaysian political history. This latest political turmoil has cost Malaysians tens of billions and is going to…

‘Non-Muslim’ dominasi kerajaan Anwar

Selepas Melayu PPBM dan Melayu PKR beramai-ramai tinggalkan PH, mereka nak kata "bukan Islam dalam PH semakin kuat dan semakin ramai. DR KAMARUL ZAMAN HAJI YUSOFF (Harakah Daily) -  Kerajaan…

Mahathir: a crisis of his own making

Having failed to build a new coalition, he is now asking for the right to rule unhindered by coalition politics and without obligation to the elected representatives of the people in parliament…

The Masterminds

All this while, many thought it was Dr Mahathir who was covering up Azmin’s gay porn scandal video, but now it looks like it was the work of the Home Ministry instead. Sarimah Sulaiman Azmin…

Hanya tinggal Dr M selepas 48 jam

Dalam 48 jam lepas, nasib Mahathir berubah daripada status seorang PM yang perlu diganti dengan Anwar pada 2020, kepada seorang ahli Parlimen bebas yang pertama mendapat sokongan hampir semua…

Another roller coaster ride ahead

Like the one that has just crumbled, the would-be new coalition also comprises strange bedfellows who until recently were fighting like cats and dogs, be it in Parliament or the media. Joceline…

Political virus has hit Malaysia!

Survival will be prioritized at the expense of the people’s welfare. P Ramakrishnan, Former President of Aliran Betrayal is common for men with no conscience. – Toba Beta A new strand of…

To all moral PH fans, the joke is on you

You said that you didn’t vote for this? Come on! Don’t be stupid. Faiq Khalifa, FMT Whatever your elected representatives do right now in terms of re-arranging the political structure or to…

And the winner is…

I think the real winner here is DAP. DAP gets to stay on until GE15 to give it time to pacify the Chinese voters who are very angry with Pakatan Harapan, and in the meantime the voters will curse…

Who Is Anwar To Demand?

SEADEMON Anwar Ibrahim has been waiting for the past 22 years to become the PM. The closest he ever got there was 23 years ago when he became the acting Prime Minister for a short while. And…