Does Pakatan Harapan really care?

Instead, we see the same old situation continuing. PH ministers respond by blaming everything on the former government, that their hands are tied. Tied to whom? Dennis Ignatius, FMT It is…

Time to stop the political games

Ivanpal Singh Grewal, The Star THE last couple of months have been very interesting for Gerakan as the party has found itself, perforce, in the political limelight after being in the wilderness…

Federalisme Di Malaysia

Salleh Said 1. Prinsip teras dalam federalisme di Amerika Syarikat menyatakan bahawa Perlembagaannya mengiktiraf kuasa negeri-negeri berdaulat sebagai bebas daripada kuasa persekutuan. Ia juga…

An open letter to Anwar Ibrahim

Ahmad Ghazali Abu Hassan, The Malaysian Insight WE are not your supporters, neither are we Azmin Ali’s nor Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s supporters. We are just ordinary Malaysians who got together…

Buka semula kes semburit Azmin Ali

Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor 1. Saya ulangi gesaan kepada Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Hamid Bador agar siasatan kes video seks songsang yang membabitkan Menteri Ekonomi dibuka semula dan dilakukan…

Umno-PAS taken for a ride by Mahathir?

With so many hurdles along the way in a cooperation with Umno-PAS, it appears that Tun M has very likely made use of the opposition to mitigate the pressure for him to resign. Lim Sue Goan, Sin…

Who will save Malaysia from Hadi?

For all his years in politics, he has little to brag about. Under his leadership, PAS has fared poorly in the states they govern. They have no idea how to run a modern state, no economic agenda…

DAP complains about Sinophobia

(MMO) - Whichever way you look at it, DAP seems to be the country’s favourite punching bag at the moment. The Opposition has been focusing rather successfully on its attack against the party by…

Ezam Mohd Nor BOHONG!

Ezam Mohd Nor, the King of Kelentong -- the man who announced he has six boxes (enam kotak) of evidence of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's RM100 billion corruption in his 22 years as Prime Minister --…

Dengar apa Najib sarankan

Raja Sara Petra Saya baru saja dengar saranan bekas Perdana Menteri yang ke-enam, Najib Tun Razak, yang pendek dan pedas (short and sharp) tentang Umno yang bukannya milik individu tetapi ianya…

Was there a Media Blackout?

As a voter, I am truly disappointed over this kind of preferential treatment and want to know why the incidents mentioned above went unreported. Lim Teck Chye I recall reading recently about…