Umno is about to explode

Of course, if the ultimate motive is to kill DAP and oust it from Putrajaya, then a Pribumi-Muafakat Nasional unity government makes a lot of sense. Some look at this from the angle of the lesser of…

The re-emergence of crony capitalism

Daniel Ong  Earlier this week it was reported that a Naza – Berjaya consortium has been chosen by the government as the new service provider, that will supply, maintain, and manage its fleet of…

Time for the rakyat to be vigilant

Subramaniam Krishnan The latest veiled threat by Parti Pribumi Bersatu's youth wing, ARMADA, against the DAP Socialist Youth is nothing more than a final nail in the coalition's coffin. In a…

Broken promises and shattered dreams

Arif Bakhtiar Back in GE 14, Pakatan ran on simple youth-friendly policies with firm promises to tackle youth unemployment, which included not only the production of at least 1 million new jobs…

Farouk Musa jahil, kata MUAFAKAT

Inilah yang dikatakan “intellectual barbarian”, apabila mereka yang bukan ahli dalam sesuatu bidang cuba mengajar yang lain dalam bidang berkenaan. 2. Sedangkan pihak yang ditegur itu sudah…