Charity begins at home

Raja Sara Petra It looks like Malaysia’s Muslim Summit, the brainchild of Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, is turning out to become a disaster. It would be interesting to find out…

All for Mama … k’s sake

KTemoc Konsiders Naturally Saudi is mad as hell, because her bête noires Iran and Qatar are attending, whereas Pakistan has kuai-kuai absent herself, wakakaka. But Saudi might not know…

Sarawak Report sudah kantoi

Thus far Sarawak Report’s wild allegations have all been proven false. Mahathir’s people said Clare is a paid mercenary who is prepared to spin any story her paymasters’ so wish. That was why…

We’re not descendants of coolies!

We can understand why minister Teresa Kok wants Malaysians to respect foreign workers, but we must not belittle our own ancestors just because we need to respect the migrant workers. Tay Tian…

What’s your portfolio, Syed Saddiq?

Given our performance in this edition of the SEA Games, which marks our 5th least impressive away showing since the inception of the Games at 55 medals – what is going on in the Ministry of Youth…