Where have all the brave men gone?

Today, these people on whom we once pinned our hopes have become mute, a pale shadow of their former selves, toeing the line rather than resisting it. Clement Stanley, FMT letter There was a…

The Political Mess in Tanjung Piai

I do not remember any statement of MCA that would make me think that it was a racist party. But, the MCA leadership is the one showing very little for it to be considered a party with strong…

Kenapa Melayu rajin merasuah

Asalkan boleh mengkorap, Melayu akan mengkorup. Faisal Tehrani, Free Malaysia Today Baru-baru ini ada pelajar bertanya kepada saya, mengapakah terdapat gejala rasuah yang begitu berakar dan…

Chinese mood worries Pakatan

It is still early days in the Tanjung Piai by-election campaign, but the signs are that the Chinese mood is at its most unsettled since the 14th General Election. Joceline Tan, The Star THE…

With friends like these…

Is he saying or accusing the MCA candidate and the MCA itself as being “owed” by Umno-PAS, that the MCA man is just a “symbol” or a “figurehead”? Mohsin Abdullah, Sin Chew Daily A friend of…

In Malaysia, who calls the shots?

Who controls or polices the police? Assemblyman Saari Sungib said that when being interrogated by the Special Branch during his ISA detention, the SB told him that the police could determine the…


Syamin Syabudin Dalam tidak sedar, hujung tahun ini kita sekali lagi akan berdepan dengan satu lagi perubahan landskap politik. Memang ia tidak sebesar atau ‘segempar’ rombakan kabinet mahupun…

We are NOT ‘Pendatangs’ in Malaysia!

What we have today are not ‘pendatangs’ but full-fledged bona fide citizens of Malaysia who are guaranteed their legal status under Article 8 of the Federal Constitution P Ramakrishnan Those…

DAP tukang pecahkan pakatan

PEMIMPIN-pemimpin PAN dan DAP kuat menabur fitnah bahawa PAS tidak setia dalam berpakat dan tukang pecahkan pakatan. Ini adalah satu jenayah akademik yang besar, memutarbelitkan fakta sejarah…