Can Umno-PAS save Malaysia?

They have done nothing to indicate that they have repented of their own long sleazy history of racism. Are we expected to pretend that the racist taunts, the dismissal of non-Malays as “pendatang,…

Nasi ayam, keropok dan Melayu malas

Aiman Azahari, FMT “Kalau Pak Dik kenangkan balik masa mula-mula dulu, malu rasa nak cerita pada orang. Sehari jual 2 ekor je ayam, bila habis tu habislah.” Cerita pak menakan saya satu hari…

In defence of Mukhriz

I wanted to know the truth, and so I took the trouble to scrutinise public documents of Opcom to determine the facts. Wan Haron Wan Hassan, Free Malaysia Today The involvement of Opcom…

PAS-Umno alliance: Who’s to blame?

Unseasoned observers presume that the fallout with PAS was over the latter’s Islamist agenda. In fact, the fallout predated the asinine “Kajang Move” when we saw the former Selangor menteri besar…

Asal-usul Umno dan PAS

Ada orang (seperti Rafizi Ramli) yang berkata pada tahun 1973 Umno dan PAS juga telah tidur satu bantal tetapi telah bercerai tidak lama selepas itu. Memang betul ketika itu Umno dan PAS telah tidur…