Pakatan Harapan dan isu LGBT

Mengapa pendirian PH terhadap agenda LGBT begitu mengelirukan? Jawapannya mudah: ia adalah sebahagian daripada manifesto mereka. Oleh itu, seperti hal lain dalam manifesto mereka - nampaknya…

From Sterling Stalwart to Sneaky Snake

The Iskandar Puteri MP should be aware that in this modern age of information technology, networks and development, as long as there is a Google search engine, whatever Kit Siang said about his…

Sex video issue hots up

There is danger everywhere for both Anwar and Azmin because the outcome of the police investigations will determine their political future. Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been one hot mess in…

Mukhriz sekarang pandai tok-kok singsong

It’s easier to control (or rather, bribe) 'x' number of warlords than to buy votes from hundreds of thousands or millions of party members. KTemoc Konsiders TMI - Bersatu Pribumi to shed…

A rare glimpse into NEP’s origins

There were two groups in Umno then: one wanted to be inclusive and go slowly but surely with the Malay agenda. Another group wanted to push everything fast to ensure Malays were dominant. Among…

A case for Bangsa Johor and the Federation

Hassan Karim should look at ways to improve the relations between the various states in the federation with the federal government. Aside from fostering a more diverse national identity, he should…

Selamat Hari Jadi, Tun

Raja Sara Petra Selamat Hari Jadi, Tun. You are actually 95 according to the Chinese calendar or about 98 if we go by the Hijrah calendar. But then age is merely a number and you have shown…

Happy birthday, Tun

Whatever it may, Tun, keep going. Perjuangan mu belum selesai. Finish what you started and to hell with all those trying to push you out. There is no such thing as Interim Prime Minister or Prime…