Will Hisham and Najib part company?

It looks like the Defence Minister is moving closer to Mahathir's position. (Free Malaysia Today) - Speculation is rife that Hishammuddin Hussein and Najib Abdul Razak, first cousins on their…

Guan Eng: Mutual trust is dead

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng says that if someone (Hadi Awang) doesn’t stay true to his promise, then working together will be difficult, adding that if there is to be a strong Pakatan…

1MDB’s cash crunch

The next nine years are crucial for fund, as its obligations are estimated at some RM40bil Leong Hung Yee, The Star THE recipe for the downfall of any company is taking on short-term debt to…

Umno no longer in defence of Najib

More and more are distancing themselves from the Prime Minister whose days are numbered. Lin KayKay, Free Malaysia Today Speculation is rife, according to blogger Shahbudin Husin, “that…

The amazing Pakatan relationship

Jason Chin, The Rakyat Post THE relationship that PAS shares with PKR is something more complicated than even figuring out how the pyramids or the Sphinx were built to perfection in ancient…