Is this the end of Mahathir?

The Third Force PPBM, DAP, PAN (Amanah) and PKR are seeking to formalise their alliance by getting Pakatan Harapan registered as a single party (see news item below). But each time they try,…

Ambiga may be next on Hadi’s list

“Assuming that Ambiga insists on keeping her mouth shut, she is liable to action pursuant to law that can be brought against her by Najib and Hadi. The Prime Minister and PAS president will be at…

Aiyoyo Ambiga, why so quiet one?

“So you see, you must not blame Ambiga for staying mum on Ms. Rewcastle’s recent allegations. While it is true that the Bersih co-chairperson is in the business of fabricating evidence to destroy…

Clare Brown is headed towards perjury

“Ms. Rewcastle will keep lying under oath just to prevent the trial from coming to an end. She is well aware that Hadi isn’t party to publications by The Third Force or Malaysia Today, but knows…

The battle lines have been drawn

“Long before Dato’ Seri Mukhriz Mahathir was sacked from UMNO for breaching party discipline, the former premier had already discussed with the senior Lim the possibility of establishing a Third…