The grateful tokens of multi-racialism

In the first place, if everyone in these parties is for multi-racialism, why does it have to have so many different parties, in particular PKR and DAP. Shamsul Akmar, The Malaysian Reserve A…

If not Ismail Sabri then who?

So, until you can produce someone better than Ismail Sabri, fook off and go play in the corner by yourself, because Bentong Kali and Botak Chin do not make a better IGP, never mind how much a clown…

Sebab apa PDRM sekat tindakan terhadap Zeti Aziz?

Nampaknya ada tangan ghaib di belakang tabir yang menyekat dari tindakan diambil terhadap bekas gabenor Bank Negara Zeti Akhtar Aziz.