Umno pupus tahun 2013 – Sanusi

Sekarang banyak perkara aneh. Macam kes ketuk-ketampi yang didakwa babitkan perempuan China. Terus kita hantar menteri ke negara itu untuk minta maaf. Rupanya perempuan Melayu. Ooo ... kalau perempuan…

Grim year for press freedom: report

GOTHENBURG (Sweden) - TWENTY-EIGHT journalists have been killed around the world since November 2007, including nine in Iraq, the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) said in its half-year review of…

Ezam percaya PM tidak mungkir janji

(Malaysiakini) - Bekas ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan (AMK) Ezam Mohd Nor percaya Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tidak akan memungkiri janjinya untuk melaksanakan perubahan, khususnya…

Muhyiddin: Perhalusi permohonan Ezam

(Malaysiakini) - Pertimbangan untuk menerima permohonan kemasukan semula bekas Ketua Angkatan Muda Parti Keadilan Nasional (PKR) Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor ke dalam Umno perlu diperhalusi dan difikirkan…

The Racist Card

It is strange that whenever people like Param Cumaraswamy accuse others of being racist they end up by exposing the racist in them. For them you are racist only if you talk about Malays and their need…

Dr M takes damage-control measures

Stung by mounting criticism of racism, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today hit the damage-control button and moved to put his comments about the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) in context. In doing so,…

Bullshit Islam from bullshit Muslims

Umno and ABIM are enemies of the community. Umno and ABIM are enemies of Islam. Umno and ABIM serve the party and their own race. Umno and ABIM are not true Muslims. Umno and ABIM are bullshit…