Are the Chinese losing faith in DAP?

It took MCA about four decades to lose support among the Chinese, but Chinese disillusionment with DAP might require a shorter period. It is already happening! P Ramasamy, FMT The Umno…

Sungai Bakap: signal jelas dari rakyat

Sungai Bakap: signal jelas dari rakyat

The Sungai Bakap Byelection

Murray Hunter The Penang State seat of Sungai Bakap is located right in the middle of a PKR stronghold, just south of the Seberang Perai area. Sungai Bakap is one of three state seats (the…

PRU UK 2024: Anwar Ibrahim perlu ambil perhatian

PRU UK 2024: Anwar Ibrahim perlu ambil perhatian

Sebab sebenar Cina lebih maju dari Melayu

Sebab sebenar Cina lebih maju dari Melayu

The Shah Alam Stadium is coming down

An RM 100 plus million refurbishment has been replaced with an RM 3.28 billion development project. That’s almost the amount that the federal government has claimed to save on eliminating the…