Wanted: an imaginative opposition

You think that enough is enough. After all the leakages, all the tapes, all the royal commissions, all the demonstrations, all the arrests, something must change. You feel that every patriotic person…

Keeping the promise

IN the last general election, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sent a letter that was personally addressed to me. The March 13 letter was mailed to a family home address in Penang. My family’s…

Matilah Kau Pak Lah! I am Innocent!

By Little BirdKawan-kawan, there was much drama at the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial yesterday. Someone is trying to do a number on someone. There are no angels involved. Only devils. For a minute…

Calon PRU 12 Pilihan Khairy?

Menantu Perdana Menteri, Khairy Jamaluddin, dipercayai mempengerusikan jawatankuasa penilai calon-calon Parlimen dan DUN bagi PRU12. Demikian menurut Datuk Kamal Amir dalam tulisan terbarunya di…

Islam Hadhari mengugat akidah

Written by Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, GLOBAL MEDIA CHANNELPERDANA Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi telah memperkenalkan dan mempelopori satu gagasan baru kepada rakyat Malaysia sejak…