“Gelombang Hijau”: PN sudah mencapai tahap maksimum

“Gelombang Hijau”: PN sudah mencapai tahap maksimum

Missteps led to PN’s defeat

"PH's ability to secure a very respectable majority was because Umno voters voted not only for a DAP candidate, but also someone who is closely linked to Nga, which is very rare. We cannot…

KKB: Did boycotts lead to PN’s loss?

According to expert, the PN machinery, especially Pas from Selangor, was seen as less enthusiastic about helping Bersatu to campaign for votes. (Sinar Daily) - The boycott movements initiated…

KKB polls: Where the votes came from

The biggest rise in support for Pakatan came from Malaysian-Indian voters, which registered a 10-point bump from 60% support in the state election to 70% in Saturday’s poll (MSN News) - The Kuala…

PN untuk Melayu, PH untuk bukan Melayu

PN untuk Melayu, PH untuk bukan Melayu

How press freedom is curbed in Malaysia

A government worth its salt should find ways to promote press freedom. Not seek means to curb it.  (TMI) - IN defending Malaysia’s recent press freedom ranking drop in the 2024 World Press…

Umno, PAS, Bersatu, Amanah: mengail dalam kolam yang sama

Umno, PAS, Bersatu, Amanah: mengail dalam kolam yang sama